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SEO and content marketing

  • How much do web designs cost in Switzerland?

    Small businesses often wonder how much it will cost to design a website. The answer, of course, depends on various factors, such as the size and complexity of the website, the amount of customization required, and so on. As a rule, however, you can assume that the costs for a

  • Local optimization of your website: 15 essential SEO tips for

    SEO in the local area is important in the SEO strategy. The scheme was just implemented over several years because Google had an overwhelming number of local searches. The only way I would interpret search queries in a similar way is by using Google algorithms to improve them. Small businesses

  • 5 advantages of a website plan over conventional development

    As an affordable alternative to traditional web development, website plans reduce risk and help ensure the long-term success of your website. After spending years developing websites the "traditional" way (fully pre-paid, based on what we need for a website), I kept finding that it took too long for projects to

  • What makes a website “good”?

    If you're not sure what's really important, it's easy to judge something by its appearance and price. But what makes a website "good" is much more than that. This spring, my wife and I went to a hot tub trade show to look at hot tubs... Hang on, I haven't

  • Why software licenses and updates are essential for your WordPress

    Your WordPress website runs on a limitless ecosystem of plugin and theme software. If you ignore these software updates, you are putting your website at risk. We all get (and often ignore) those emails - the ones from WordPress reminding us that our plugin software needs an update. There is

  • Why project discovery is so important

    Find out how you can minimize your risk and make your project a success! Most companies have a good idea of what they want, but don't know how to translate that vision into a functioning website that helps them achieve their goals. To do this, you need to have the